How To Rise Up From Ashes After A Break-Up


Its finally going to be the end of the year and time to sing “Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Let your heart be light, from now on, all our troubles will be out of sight” and if you have just broken up and don’t want to go back to the same relationship, then your partner and all the troubles in your relationship are soon going to be out of sight. It is difficult to let your heart be light after break-up, but definitely not impossible. Say cheers to your single status with these quick fixes.

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Here’re 6 Ways You Can Rise Up From Ashes After A Break-Up

1. Spend time with your mom

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Isn’t it the most rewarding relationship you have ever had? But most of us don’t realize it. Cook for your mom, help her with her chores, and make her feel special. It will make you feel so good and happy again. This applies to both men and women.

Also read : 9 Sneaky moves To make her fall for you 

2. Connect with mother nature

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Go for a walk in nature and listen to the sweet songs of the cuckoos, sparrows, bask in Sun’s warmth, revel in the beautiful breeze, the most selfless love is of Mother Nature.

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3. Play with toddlers

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All it takes is a cute smile from a toddler to make your day beautiful, and that cute smile would make you forget everything. Swing them, cuddle them, play hide and seek with them, you will once again believe that love is in the air.

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4. Go for shopping

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Oh yes and it is such a great therapy after break-up! Buy your favorite clothes, especially those you liked but your partner didn’t. Stock on your favorite sunglasses, shoes, accessories and if not all of these then your favorite gadgets or books may be.

Also read : How To Find the Right Guy 

5. Be Creative

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Create something every day. Our natural self is creative and creativity is intelligence having fun. Whether it’s sketching a doodle, trying a new recipe or just inventing a cocktail, the more you express your creative self the happier you will be.

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6. Enjoy time with your pals

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The support that we receive from our friends and family is more than unconditional love. We might forget them when we are in a relationship but they are always with us, so get up and hang out with your friends and family.

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Do share your joy with us once you are ready to love, laugh and live again after a break up. If you have already have, then we would like to know your story.