8 Incredible Things To Know About Introverted Women

Incredible Things To Know About Introverted Women

Introversion just like Extroversion is a complex personality trait, it is unique and layered at the same time with so much subtly. Introverts can easily be misunderstood as being moody or arrogant, which is not true. Introversion is a personality trait characterized by a focus on internal feelings rather than on external sources of stimulation. 

Introverts turn inward mentally. They enjoy solitary activities and thrive on quietness and introspection. The other opposite personality trait is Extroversion, just like introverts turn inward mentally, extroverts seek social stimulation and gain energy from social interactions.

Whether it is an introverted man or woman, there are subtle signs to identify one and know about them.

Also Read: 8 Common Signs You’re Really An Introvert

Things to know about Introverted Women

1. They rarely start the conversation with others

Introverted women talk less with strangers and they may rarely start conversations with them. They may talk for hours with a person they know and may initiate conversations with them.

2. They love to spend time alone

Being an introvert does not mean that they like being alone all the time, it simply means that their idea of a good time translates to ‘me-time’; wherein they like spending time by themselves and pursuing their interests or hobbies. They may hate attending any functions and popularity does not interest them as they dislike being the center of attention.

3. They don’t have low self-esteem

Introverted women are not quiet because they are afraid that their thoughts aren’t important, or they don’t shy away from socializing out of a fear of rejection, they just prefer internal conversations to external ones.

4. Being around a lot of people leaves them drained

Introverts feel their energy sapped after interacting/spending time with a lot of people, unlike extroverts who gain energy from social interactions, introverts expend energy in social situations.

Also Read: Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) – A Personality Trait Often Misunderstood

5. They are very self-aware

Self-awareness and self-understanding are a hallmark of introverted individuals since they turn inward mentally and are very reflective and value their internal experiences. Introverted women trust their gut instinct a lot.

6. Introverted women are very observant

They pay attention to details and observe people’s body language and facial expressions. They also learn through careful observation by watching people closely.

7. They have a small group of close friends

Introverted women are not anti-social, they are selective when it comes to making friends and enjoy the warmth of deep connections, they enjoy the company of a closely-knit circle of friends and love interacting on a one-on-one basis. They value intimacy and close bonds.

8. Hate sharing their issues

Introverted women like to keep things to themselves and don’t like an intrusion of their space or things.

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Introverted women are not socially anxious or moody individuals, they like being by themselves. The myth that introverts are not outgoing is untrue. Society is conditioned to believe that introverts ‘lack’ social skills, it is seen as a character ‘flaw’ in individuals who love spending time by themselves and occasionally disconnecting, only to reconnect later.

If You Are Dating an Introverted Woman

Introverts can nurture very deep and long-lasting relationships, as they value intimacy and emotional connection. An introvert in relationships is giving, understanding, and committed, they give the other person space as they themselves value it so much. They are sensitive and respectful to the other person’s needs and are balanced in the midst of conflicts with their partners, friends, or family. Introverts are like layers of onions, it takes time to peel the onions but the richness the latter offers is deep and sacred, similarly, this stands true to an introverted woman in relationships.

If You Are an Introverted Woman

Embracing your personality can be the best gift you can give yourself. You do not have to change for others or justify your personality type to others. You do not have to change for a man, the right person will stay. Introversion is just as beautiful as extroversion. Kudos to you for being your own person. If you are an introverted man, remember, you are doing just as good!!!

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