7 Types Of Guys A Girl Should NEVER Date In Her Life


Girls are choosy and they take time in everything, be it buying a nail pint or a cloth or choosing a boyfriend ;they think too much about everything but yet sometimes mistakes are made and one needs to know about it. Precaution is better than Cure and Girls you need to get your partner right! We can’t tell about your Mr.Right but we can tell you about Mr.Wrong who has no place in your life.

Here are 7 types of Guys You Should Not Even Try To Date!

1) My Baby in Alone and in public Who are You!




Never date a guy who treats you like you are his world in alone and in front of his friends he becomes stranger!

2) Obsessive, A BIG No!




Possessive some what sounds good but a guy obsessed with you, this can be a bad situation.

3) Silent!


No matter how rowdy he is but if he prefers to not talk or don’t say a word, prefers silence over everything than its a wrong choice because later on it will just create problems.

4) Addicted to ‘THINGS’




A guy addicted to his past or drugs or alcohol or any other thing isn’t a right choice from any point, you may think they will change but this doesn’t happens most of the time.

5) No Guts!!



A man who speaks a lot and puts you in front when trouble comes, to such boys you can say only two words ‘Get Lost’

6) Rules, Restrictions!



The one who teaches you what to wear and what not, tell them Mind your own business!

7) Aimless!



Not everyone has predetermined aims but all wants to do something and the one who says ‘You are my only dream’; truly you will love it initially but later on it will create problems.


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