7 Reasons Why Being Single Is An Awesome Idea

Reasons Why Being Single Is An Awesome Idea
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Being surrounded by happy couples is the worst situation one can have when they are single. All those thoughts start bouncing in your mind like “I wish I had someone like that”, “Love is the most beautiful thing in the world” etc. However, in reality, being single, independent and free of the many stresses that a relationship can offer several advantages that outweigh relationships. Here are 7 reasons why flying solo is better than being in a relationship. These 7 reasons why being single is an awesome idea will convince you in the end that there are many perks of being single too.

Also Read : 7 Reasons Why Every Girl Should Have A Guy Best Friend 

1. More money in your pocket

Reasons Why Being Single Is An Awesome Idea
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Being in a relationship is expensive. Dinners out, mini vacations and gifts all add up to a significant amount of cash. Save this money towards something that will help you build a solid future for yourself or spent it the way you like.

2. Less time on the phone and more time to for yourself

Reasons Why Being Single Is An Awesome Idea
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You don’t have spent so much time on phone talking just shits or stories. Relationships suck up a great deal of time on the phone between talking and texting, which can easily amount to several hours of a day. Think about all the time saved by cutting this out and investing this time in you.

3. The freedom to date and flirt with whomever you want and go on as many dates as possible

Reasons Why Being Single Is An Awesome Idea
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Why not consider playing the field a little? After all, there’s no reason to feel guilt if it’s just a date. Keep it casual and grab a drink or dinner with that cute new girl/guy you just met or the person that you’ve been secretly eyeing for awhile.

4. Plenty of time to start a new hobby

Reasons Why Being Single Is An Awesome Idea
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There’s always that one thing we’ve put off for the mere reason that we don’t have time to cram it into our busy schedules. With the extra time, learn that second language, take that cooking class or even Pilates as you’ve always wanted to.

Also read : 7 Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married 

5. Friends night out without the guilt

For some odd reason, most friends feel a pang of jealousy when their significant other has a night out with their friends. Single? Grab your friends for a night out on the town, minus the guilt.

6. Do what you want, when you want

Just think — no need to “check in” with someone to let them know who you’re with, where you’re at and what time you’re expected to be home. Freedom at last.

7. Time to build a better you

Reasons Why Being Single Is An Awesome Idea
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With all the “free” time you have, now is the perfect opportunity to get down to your ideal weight, take that class you’ve been putting off, get a second job or start volunteering. The worse thing someone who is recently single can do is sit at home, feeling bad for themselves. Get out of the house and start building a better you.

Also read : 8 Reasons Why Every Guy Should Have A Girl Best Friend 

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