6 Facts About Earth 2.0 : Kepler-452b

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“Are we alone in the universe?“  We are going to answer this question today.The latest findings from NASA’s (US space agency) are calling it “Earth 2.0”, as well as its official name Kepler-452b .

The first near-Earth-size planet has been discovered around a sun-like star. Kepler-452b marks a milestone for the Kepler program. It’s the smallest planet yet discovered orbiting in the habitable zone of a G2-type star (like our sun).

Kepler mission research scientist Jeff Coughlin said : “You and I probably won’t be travelling to these planets. But our children’s children could be.”

Here’s 6 facts about Earth 2.0 : Kepler-452b .

1.Kepler-452b has a diameter 60 percent larger than Earth’s

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According to John Coughlin, Kepler mission research scientist, the Kepler team worked with geologists to find out the make-up of the planet. Due to its size and age, it’s likely that it is a rocky planet, meaning it could have a volcanic system under its surface and Classified as a super-Earth.

2.The small exoplanet sits 1,400 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus.

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Kepler-452B is 1400 light years away and humans don’t have the technology or energy sources to travel that far or fast.

3. Kepler-452b is also older than Earth.

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Kepler-452, is 6 billion years old,About 1.5 billion years older than the sun. The exoplanet is believed to be about the same age.

4.The Earth-like planet is termed as GOLDILOCKS-ZONE where liquid water could exist.

The Earth-like planet is termed as GOLDILOCKS-ZONE
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Earth 2.0 is in the Goldilocks zone. The scientists term for planets that sits at a nice distance from their star, which make them neither too hot nor too cold to support liquid water and life.

5.Kepler-452b orbit is very similar to Earth’s.

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A year -The time Kepler 452b takes to orbit its star.It lasts for 385 days, only 20 days longer than a year here on Earth.
ferent to years on other, closer planets to Earth. A year on Venus, sometimes the closest planet to the Earth, lasts only 88 Earth-days. A year on Neptune, further out in our solar system, is the equivalent of 185 Earth-years.

6.Humans could potentially survive in Kepler 452b’s stronger gravity

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Kepler 452b is estimated to have twice the gravitational pull of our own planet-Earth.According to the scientists on the Kepler team, this doesn’t mean it couldn’t support life.

More than 1,000 planets have been confirmed in this small portion of the sky. Imagine what else lies out there.Here’s 6 Facts About Earth 2.0 : Kepler-452b.

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