5 Psychological Facts about Dreams You should Be Aware Of

5 Psychological Facts About Dreams
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Psychological Facts about dreams are the most mysterious and interesting experience that can happen in our lives The dream is still one of the greatest unanswered questions in the world. It is us who create the dreams and things which happen in it. Our dreams can be fascinating, exciting as well as terrifying and the content of our dreams can shift suddenly.
But still there can’t be any life without dreams.

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Here’re 5 Psychological Facts about Dreams You should Be Aware Of

1. We forget 90% of our dreams

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Every one of us has dreams but not everyone remembers it. So it is hard to remember about most of our dreams.

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2. We only dream about the things we know

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We tend to dream of the faces we know as our mind cannot invent new faces. Our brain has an endless supply of characters which are utilized during our dreams.

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3. Everybody dreams

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If you think that you don’t dream then you are forgetting your dreams. There is not one human being who does not dream ( exceptions are in cases of extreme psychological disorders).

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4. Men and women dream differently

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In the case of men, about 70% of their dreams includes men. While in the case of women, the dreams include almost an equal number of men and women.

5. You can experience an orgasm while you are dreaming

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While dreaming you can have an orgasm as strong as a real one but without being wet. The sensations that are felt when you dream can be very pleasurable and strong as the same sensations that are experienced in the real time.

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