10 Differences Between A Friend And A Best Friend

They may get you into some crazy situations and occasionally enjoy a laugh at your expense, but at the end of the day, they’ve got your back. Here's the 10 differences between friend and a best friend.
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Friends – If you have some, that’s great! But best friends are a whole different level. You don’t have to be afraid that you’ll embarrass yourself, you never have to be polite, and you know that they’ll always be on your side even when you are obviously wrong. They may get you into some crazy situations and occasionally enjoy a laugh at your expense, but at the end of the day, they’ve got your back. Here’s the 10 differences between a friend and a best friend.

[ Read : 7 Reasons Why Every Girl Should Have A Guy Best Friend ]

 1. You have to tell your friends not to tell anyone, but Best friends already know that.

friends vs best friends
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2. Friends will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing, but best friends will kick the whole crowds ass that left you.

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3. Friends only know a few things about you, whereas best friend could write a very embarrassing biography on your life.

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4. A friends will borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back, but best friends will lose your stuff and tell you, “My bad…here’s a tissue.”

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5. A friend will ask you to write down your number, but a best friend has your number on speed dial.

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6. Friend have never seen you cry, but best friend did and they won’t tell everyone else you cried…just laugh about it with you in private when your not down anymore.

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7. Friends would bail you out of jail, but a best friend would be sitting next to you saying “DAMN!” we messed up!

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8. A friend will never ask for anything to eat or drink, but best friends helps themselves and are the reason why you have no food.

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9. Friends helps you find your prince, but best friends kidnaps him and brings him to you.

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10. Good friends put up with your terrible boyfriend/girlfriend but a best friend will tell you to your face they are not right for you!

differences between friend and a best friend
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[ Read : 8 Reasons Why Every Guy Should Have A Girl Best Friend ]

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