Seven things that she secretly wants from you in the bedroom

Seven things that she secretly wants from you in the bedroom

Every man wishes to keep the girl happy and satisfied with the performance and hence they perform everything to do so. Also, you never want to know that you are underperforming in the bedroom and sometimes your partner hide it from you to save you from having a bruised ego.

So, here are the seven things that women secretly want
from you in the bedroom

1) Show your responsibility by using the protection

If your partner doesn’t have a plan of getting pregnant anytime soon, then you should respect her decision. In addition, if she is afraid of the birth control pills due to the side effects, then you should recognize that decision as well. Hence, it is advised to use condoms as the source of protection.

Seven things that she secretly wants from you in the bedroom

2) Be communicative in the bedroom

It is recommended that you don’t over talk and at the same time don’t under communicate as well. You should make sure that you are not hurting much by not talking and at the same time make sure you are not annoying her by talking a lot.

Seven things that she secretly wants from you in the bedroom

Also Read: 6 Er0genous Zones on the Female Body That Every Man Should Know

3) A well-maintained bed

The mood of your lady can be spoiled if she finds dirty strains on the bed and pillows. So, it is advised that you keep your bed clean and well maintained. This will potentially give your girl the peace of mind with respect to the cleanness on the bed while she is lying down on your bed.

Seven things that she secretly wants from you in the bedroom

4) A proper foreplay

Men tend to get excitement very early, and thus they want to get down to business as soon as possible. You should also keep in mind that girls take a lot of time to get into the mood and hence you need to be patient with your approach and execute proper foreplay.

Seven things that she secretly wants from you in the bedroom

5) Keep extra clothes handy for her

If you want her to spend the night, at least make sure that you have a few shirts for her that she can borrow the next day. It’s the least you can do. If you want to spend the night with her, then make sure that you keep few clothes handy for yourself as she can potentially use it during her stay.

Seven things that she secretly wants from you in the bedroom

Also Read: 9 Things That Women Find Attractive In Men

6) Complete nudity

Women love being intimate in a completely nude form rather than having clothes. This is quite essential especially when you are spending the quality time with your women.

Seven things that she secretly wants from you in the bedroom

7) An enthusiasm for the oral needs

Men love when their partner gives oral stimulation to them. The same goes for the women and you should indeed give her oral stimulation as well. It is going to form great bedroom chemistry and it can make your bond with your partner even stronger.

Seven things that she secretly wants from you in the bedroom

Also Read: Things That Women Love But They Are Too Afraid To Ask

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