Top 5 Tips: How To Make A Woman Like You Instantly

Top 5 Tips: How To Make A Woman Like You Instantly

There is a mystery all around that what are the things and reasons which turn girls on. It’s really hard to explain what do they like and what do they want in a man.  Everyone has different advice on what attracts girls, and how to get a girl to like you. Let’s look at some signs which explains what girls find attractive in men, how to talk to her , flirt with her, and ultimately, make her your girlfriend.

Here Is How To Make A Woman
Like You Instantly

1. Make her feel safe

Women love a man who makes them feel safe. They wants their men to be the leader, the provider, and the more powerful one in the relationship.  It turns a woman on when you display your masculine qualities of leadership and ambition.  A woman wants a guy she believes can conquer the world or at least a man she believes has the drive and desire to be the master of his universe.

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2. Confidence can definitely nail it

Women are turned on by confident and dominant behaviour of men.  It doesn’t mean men who boss them around or who are overly jealous or controlling.  But she wants you to be assertive with her.  She wants you always make the first move.  She wants you bring out her sexual side.  She wants you to take control and lead her. Lack of confidence can make her think that you are not the right one for her.

3. Other girls are attracted to you, it’s a turn on for a women

Women loves a man who is the center of attention and who other girls are attracted to.  She wants you to be pre-selected by other women.  She wants the pride of knowing that she has a boyfriend that other girl’s desire. She can’t resist herself if you have such image.

Also Read: 7 Things Guys Find Really Attractive In A Girl

4. Be a social Man


Women also like you to be a social man.  She wants to see that you have “cool” friends that she will get along with.  And she wants to know that you will get along with her friends. So try to be more social and indulge into outdoor or social activities.

Also Read: 5 Psychological Signs -It really is Love at first sight.

5. You Should know how to talk to girls

Girls are extremely turned on by guys who add humor in conversation and who know how to flirt with girls, make them laugh, tease them, and keep the conversation fun and playful. Women love flirting because it builds up sexual tension.  And nothing turns a woman on more than sexual tension. You should know how to play it right and when to play it.  Being able to talk to girls and flirt with girls will definitely make her go crazy.

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