What is Major Depressive Disorder? Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

What is Major Depressive Disorder Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

 It occurs when you are greatly dissatisfied with your present life situation, you feel stuck and helpless. While there are many mental health disorders, depression (major depressive disorder) is the one which catches our eyes the most, this mental health disorder is the most widespread and it is augmenting with time.

Depression can be of many types-Persistent Depressive Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Psychotic Depression, etc. But today our focus will be on Major Depressive Disorder.

What is Major Depressive Disorder?

Major Depressive Disorder (Clinical Depression) is a type of disorder characterized by a prolonged feeling of sadness, hopelessness, desolation for about a period of two weeks and can even last longer.


1. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes are significant in causing irritability, restlessness, anger, sense of sadness which in the long run may cause depression in teens.Teenage is a period of bodily changes, the body and the mind being closely linked can bring about many changes in the behavior of individuals. Parents often fail to understand what is exactly happening with children which are causing them to behave or act in a completely different manner and this often leads to bitter fights between the two.

2. An Event/Incident

Sometimes an event or an incident that happens unexpectedly might trigger major depressive disorder. A girl who is fond of her pet dog is more likely to suffer from a period of sadness at the loss of her dog as there was a mental attachment with it. It occurs when we are not prepared for something or when we don’t want to accept something and adapt to the changed condition.

3. Lifestyle Changes

Change is the only constant, people avoid boredom/monotony and want to try something exciting/adventurous to add spice to their lives but not all the changes turn out to be good for our mental health. Partying is good and elevates a person’s mood but regular partying can have long-term effects on the person’s behavior and after a point, it might not interest him or her anymore leading to loneliness, irritability and can even lead to depression.

4. Bodily Changes

The body can influence the mind and the mind can influence the body (interactionism). Post-partum Depression is a remarkable example to expound this form of influence of the body on the mind. People after meeting an accident often suffer from clinical depression because if physical disability and lack of independence.

What is Major Depressive Disorder Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


1. Loss of Appetite

If you have major depressive disorder you don’t feel like eating, even your favorite delicacy doesn’t tempt you anymore.

2. Hopelessness

You feels stuck, you think that the present situation won’t change.

3. Deep Sense of Sadness

You feel sad constantly, nothing interests you (not even your favorite book or TV show).

4. Lack of Concentration

You feel lost and cannot concentrate on any work on any work, concentrating on a particular thing even for ten minutes becomes a difficult task for you.

5. Sleep

Either you cannot sleep or you sleep extensively and feel physically drained after long hours of sleep.

6. Isolation

Friends, social media, relatives no longer excite you rather you feel disturbed even more when in contact with them. Every minute you feel like running away, the need to escape from the reality also emerges sometimes leading to substance abuse.

How to Combat Major Depressive disorder? Treatment

1. Find Out The Cause of it

At times we fail to figure out what’s bothering us, so sit down somewhere, listen to some peaceful music, inhale, exhale and ask yourself that why you are feeling this change all of a sudden. If this doesn’t help, consult a psychologist/psychiatrist immediately before it starts to increase. I have heard some good reviews about BetterHelp.com therapists.

2. Do Not Stop Interacting With Your Loved Ones

A loved one is of great help in this hour of need, talk to him or her, do not hide it or refrain yourself, it is better to blurt out what is bothering you.

3. Clarity

Accept what has happened and try to have an optimistic approach towards your future, decide what you want to do to change your present situation. Your thought processes affect your actions and your actions will carve your future, so think positively. Sometimes, melancholy leads to growth so learn and seek knowledge from it but don’t stay stuck there because life is all about the choices we make.

4. Food

Change your diet, consult a nutritionist and eat healthy to get back on track. Avoid caffeine and junk food as it increases anxiety and irritability. Fresh fruits and vegetables will regulate your mood swings. Banana is a good mood uplifter. Changing your food habits also can help you overcome major depressive disorder.

5. Travel

Go somewhere and explore yourself, we need time to understand certain things and space to explore ourselves so traveling is the best possible option for you to get a clear vision. Even if you don’t feel like, push yourself hard and travel, it will help to relax your mind and you may come back rejuvenated.

 If you have major depressive disorder and the situation is getting worse, then you are advised to consult a mental health professional immediately. Your mental health is as important as your physical health so do not ignore it, talk about it with someone, there are online helpline numbers as well to contact.

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