What Does Your Birth Date Say About Your Personality?


In numerology, birth number is the sum total of an individual’s birth date alone. It does not take into account the month number or the year of birth. Each birth number has certain specific characteristics. These numbers are classified from 1 to 9 and are ruled by different planets imparting them different qualities. Here are the qualities of different birth numbers based on the date on which a person was born.

Know What Your Birth Date Has To Say
About You 

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1. People Born On 1, 10, 19, 28th Of Any Month 

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Ruled by the Sun, 1 people are born to bring their unique flavor into the world. Born to be different and to stand out from the crowd, 1 people are gifted with unmatched dynamism and leadership qualities. Change is dear to them and they constantly strive to make a positive difference in their lives. On the flip side, they can be egotistical and unyielding.

2. People Born On 2, 11, 20, 29th Of Any Month


Ruled by the moody Moon, 2 people seek relationships above all else. They want to promote the qualities of tolerance, friendship and unity in the world. They are great caregivers in interpersonal relationships. On the flip side, they may develop an attitude of co-dependency.

3. People Born On 3, 12, 21, 30th Of Any Month

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Ruled by the planet of luck, Jupiter, individuals with birth number 3 are gregarious, friendly and extremely social. They are constant learners in life and seek to learn something from every experience they go through. They tend to have large friend circles and are generally extroverted. On the flip side, they can be superficial and selfish.

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4. People Born On 4, 13, 22, 31st Of Any Month

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Ruled by Uranus or Rahu, number 4 individuals are work obsessed. They are the worker bees of the lot. They can not feel happy or fulfilled till they have some task to work on. They like to keep busy and rarely tend to be thinkers. On the flip side, they can be very harsh and even cruel in their behavior, if someone fails to meet their expectations.

5. People Born On 5, 14, 23rd Of Any Month

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people pleaser

Ruled by the planet of communication and movement, Mercury, individuals with birth number 5 have a hard time sitting still. They love travel and adventure and constantly indulge in thrill-seeking behavior. They are good learners and mostly achieve a high level of education in life. On the flip side, they can be insensitive to others’ feelings with their constant quest for adventure and may develop an addiction to alcohol, sex and gambling.

6. People Born On 6, 15, 24th Of Any Month

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Ruled by the planet of love, Venus, those with birth number 6 seek to create balance and harmony wherever they go. They care for the world around them and want a peaceful society. They make for extremely loyal and caring friends, giving unconditional love to those they consider close. On the flip side, they may be indecisive and refrain from taking any sides in an argument.

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7. People Born On 7, 16, 25th Of Any Month


Ruled by the planet of spirituality, Neptune or Ketu, 7 people always seek knowledge above all else. They are voracious readers from a young age and ultimately feel satisfied when they learn higher knowledge of spirituality through life experiences. They tend to be sensitive and introverted. On the flip side, they come across as distant and aloof even to the people close to them.

8. People Born On 8, 17, 26th Of Any Month

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Ruled by the tough teacher, Saturn, individuals with birth number 8 seek money and power above all else. Usually, these people lead tough lives, facing dire circumstances since birth. Nothing comes to them through sheer luck. They have work hard every step along the way and usually, the results are really good. On the flip side, they tend to be extremely shrewd and selfish.

9. People Born On 9, 18, 27th Of Any Month


Ruled by the planet of war, Mars, those with birth number 9 have the most selfless, kind souls of the lot. They are some of the most generous and empathetic people in the world. They tend to assume the role of a teacher in life. Too often they are associated with charitable organizations. On the flip side, they can be violent and extremely short-tempered.

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Did we miss out on any qualities of your birth number? Let us know in the comment section below!