9 Things You Should Never Ever Do After A Breakup


Whenever you part ways and decide to break up with your ‘soulmate’, everyone you know becomes your ‘post break-up get over them’ therapist. They’ll come up with great ideas as to how to move on. They will suggest you to – Go to a party and drink your body weight or go on a trip. You’ll find these ways quite alluring. But they won’t clue in on what NOT to do. So, we are going to enlighten with the things you shouldn’t do after you lose your ‘lobster’. Yes, that’s a F.R.I.E.N.D.S reference.

Here is the list of things you should NOT do
after your breakup

1. Cyber Stalking

Break Up

Oh yes, that’s right. You need to stop stalking your ex on Facebook, Instagram or Snap chat. You are going to see their ‘happy-fun’ stories and what’ll happen? You’ll feel alone and depressed. You need to stop obsessing over the fact that they liked someone else’s photo or they are having a gala time with friends. It’s their way of coping up, don’t go crazy!

2. Jealousy Kicks In

Break Up

It’s quite obvious for people going through a break up to be insanely jealous of other people’s happiness. You are questioning ‘why is my life so wrecked up? Why are they so satisfied and content?’ Don’t be one of those people. Be it your close friends or family; don’t turn green with envy like The Hulk! Be happy for them. They were there for you through your hard times, have the courtesy to be with them through their happy times.

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3. Pyjamas Session

Break Up
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It’s a psychological fact that heartbreaks are equivalent to an actual physical pain. So what do you do? Stay in bed all day long- sleeping and doing binge eating of carbs. DO NOT do that! You need to get out of your house. So just go for a walk or go on a drive- amongst other things! But if you are feeling too sick to your stomach that you can’t even get up- invite your close friends and talk about it over some pizza.

4. Bad Mouthing

This is what everyone does and chances are you’ll do it! You’ll rant about your exes on how they treated you or what a bad kisser they are or how they annoyed you. You used to find these annoying things cute once upon a time! So, be the bigger person here and move on. Create a positive vibe around you.

5. Blame Game

Break Up

You need to stop blaming the other person. You were both equally wrong. Unless it was cheating where you can burn their favorite clothes. So, self-loathing isn’t the best way to go about it. Start hanging out with people who will compliment you. Your self-esteem will rocket up in no time. Start appreciating yourself a little. You deserve so much better.

Also Read:  9 Reasons Living Alone Is the Best Thing Ever

6. Hooking Up

Break Up

That’s the worst thing you could do! Never ever do that. We know it’s hard being alone but hitting up random guy or girl isn’t going to help you move forward. That will actually make you feel more miserable than ever. Hush now.

Also Read:  Valuable lessons that Breakups Can Teach You

7. Revenge

Break Up

‘Vengeance is a dish best served cold.’ Stick to this mantra and you are set. Don’t go around seeking revenge by sleeping around or posting stuff online or anything which you will regret. Do whatever makes you happy. Dance, sing, drive, gym- there are plenty of options for you, fellas. Living well is the best payback ever.

8. Pretentious Person

Break Up

One of the worst things you can do to yourself- Bottle up your feelings. It’s okay not to be fine. So, mourn, cry on your pillow. It’s fine to feel sad and angry. This shows you’re following the right way to break up etiquette. Don’t become numb, my friend.

9. Healing Time

Break Up

It’s that time of your life where you need to stop the obsession over your ex. You need to heal yourself and process your split. So, do something productive and useful. Something which will take your mind of that person. Get busy with your work. You need to get back on your feet and process your split. You do yourself a favor and be happy peeps.

Also Read:  How to Make Your Relationship Last

Parting ways aren’t easy, friends. It takes time to cure oneself but when you have the right people in your life who push you to do better. You’ll be FINE. You will find your Mr. /Ms. Right when the time is right.
Tell us in the comments section below other suggestions for our pals going through a break-up.

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