Stress Both Guards and Punishes

Stress Both Guards and Punishes

How much can we talk about stress, about its contents, how much the word ”stress” has become pivotal in everyday life!  Stress is a tension that can even threaten a person’s life.

There may be various problems, fatigue, tense work, life-threatening circumstance, joy, and more. That is, stress gives reactions to different situations and tries to help the person to adapt to the new situation.

Man often cannot control his tasks. The goals that are varied in the person can exhaust him.

We are almost always moving in the path that is unfamiliar but which delights us. What can we say about this? Does man like the obscurity?

We cannot exclude that there is a chain of secrets in the world through which we want to discover the world, that is, we want to become owners of new principles. Why? Because there are phenomena that can not be judged when standing before them we are reminded about our abilities to withstand the temptation.

The new principles that will give their new outcome often come with warning signs in life. It’s just the hypothesis that a person often creates stress so that he can face the slaps of the future.

Natural Way of Man is Full of Stress

The natural way of man is also full of stress, regardless of the circumstance that the blows of the road are unknown or known. Thus we can say that stress also comes from trepidation which derives from inner problems.

After all, uncertainty itself is trepidation, and the uncertainty which makes a person worry is even worse trepidation than, though alluring one.

I do not want to speak in medical or psychological terms or what happens in the human body if it is in stress. The important thing for me is the way the person responds to both sides of stress. Because stress, like many other phenomena, has its own influencing and counter measuring mechanisms.

Man Can’t Live Without Stress

Man can not live without stress or repetitive stress. They both bear signs of extreme. Man must have such a consciousness of being seasoned, in order to introduce discipline into his soul, into his mind.

The tension comes when one does not know the world or does not know it well. In order to recognize the world, first, you need to know your chances and develop them. The world is moving in its own course, with its stresses like the man.

The succession of the seasons is already talking about stress. Nature is undergoing stress. We are also part of nature.

The concepts of stress-human-nature are inseparable from each other, I call it a concept wishing to emphasize the identical signals of the inner content of these three.

Stress has become a keyword in the 21st century

Stress has become a keyword in the 21st century. A few hundred years ago people did not even know about the existence of stress- they have learned to live. One ought to have the art of living. And it surely comes from the family. The family decides this or that aspect of the new approaches to the art of living.

There should be formed such a level of consciousness in the society which will become a permanent opportunity for people to convey positive information to each other.

One needs strength and flexibility of the soul in order to talk not about stress but about life, about various phenomena of life. To stare at a thing which this way or the other exists is the same thing as to wait high-strongly for tension. It seems to be nonsense. That is to say, there is no need to make every negative phenomenon a mirror of emotions.

Absurdity results in uncertainty. And in uncertainty, there is neither an art of living nor an inner motivation to accept the natural colors of life. So uncertainty cannot be a way of life.

And there is also this question. “If stress emerges suddenly, with  life-threatening signals or even with signals resulting in the thoughts about death, what to do in that case?” My answer will be the only one, although many examples can be brought. Are we thinking of dying or winning on the battlefield? Which thought prevails? When driving a car, do we think more reaching to point A from point B or about having an accident? My word is that each question has its own answer if there is a willingness to respond.

The more a person gives conscious appraisals at the moment of panic the less the thoughts about panic becomes, those that emerge unwillingly. One needs to answer the questions that carry panic. The answer can also be found among relatives, friends. Because when communicating a man reveals the degree of his strength to resist stress and the repetitions of the absurd ideas that are the consequence of stress.

People with great willpower are able not to focus on such issues, but to answer the way so as the question like the sticky idea would not expect an answer again.

The whole secret isn’t whether stress exists or not, the secret is whether to live or not. We endlessly repeat that we need a rest, that we should have a moment of silence during the day and so on, in order to be able to resist stress.

I agree that from time to time man needs rest and silence. But shall we remain far from stress when thinking over like this? Surely, no. Since we do not seek for rest and silence for getting rid of stress but we find peace in preserving moral values and in developing them in the registry book of the conscience.

We are not corrupted as much as to sell our souls to fear and panic. We are self-determined in seeking our own self, so we are self-determined also at the moment of stress. This can be used as a key in the moments of uncertainty. Because the course of human thoughts is a waving ocean.

A man cannot have a rest like a robot

A man cannot have a rest like a robot so the evil stress won’t approach him. Maybe we should replace the moment of peace and silence with some pleasant activity? Maybe we should conquer the peak of some mountain? As much as the preliminary way of thinking which has fed the soul of the man for centuries becomes out of order, the more helpless we will be in passing the thorny and smooth roads of life.

The main thing is not to give way to the impulses of tension in your own idea. The man feels the main tension when he wants to cheat himself. Even strong stress can just be the result of long-lasting laziness.

As for the stress that is caused by human losses or sicknesses, I will respond in this way. “Why not replace grief with the word stress?” In the century that we live stress is associated with neurosis, depression, and various psychological illnesses. But let grief be called grief and the illness respectively illness.

A man has overcome everything

A man has overcome everything, the whole history of mankind is also a history of heroism. The hero is not only a hero on the battlefield, but the hero is also a hero when he is capable to overcome everyday problems.

We do not want to see the real things, we do not want to deal with the reality, we are shouting at once that we are in stress. And why don’t we shout that we do not live well and repeat one and the same mistakes endlessly, why don’t we shout that we are not good children, that we are not good parents, that we are not patriots and so on? Since it’s an easy but dangerous option to call stress every impulse of the problem.

If something has already existed, if mankind has overcome a lot of problems, it means that instead of escaping everyday problems, one needs to feel, to touch the bright sides of the day, to become a first-line fighter who fortifies his own soul with optimism and with the ability to arrange items in a harmony.

Whether we like or don’t like the various aspects of our lives, our lifestyle, the quality of life won’t improve in any case. What we want is to know how the laws of nature work. After all, a person can take the road to perfectness by recognizing himself by studying the inner world of mankind. And the laws of nature only reflect our actions so that we can not replace real-life with unrealistic.

The Outer and the inner conflicts

There are always conflicts within the two selves of a man- the outer and the inner ones. I would consider it the biggest stress. Because the world of pleasure cannot be put on the same scale as the conscious world. And if you put it, the only responsible person for your existence is you, you either hardly live or bring a bright world.

Is there a single man on earth that does not want kindness to increase? I think no, to be more exact, I am sure of that. Because man is a rudiment of nature, an interpreter of nature and the one who controls nature. Why not become a symbol of peace that is a birth of kindness, why not control the capabilities of your own soul, why not develop the willpower features?

Here are some questions that always walk with human beings and humanity. We often try to understand the concepts of human and humanity separately. In any case, whether it is true or not, the wholeness of nature is an idea, and humans or humanity are the ones who give new life to the idea.

Therefore, the history of individuals or humanity is the history of the world. It is mysterious to turn a blind eye to the laws of nature since man goes far from himself. All the trials that we share are unpredictable as the seasons.

Planets rotate in the same course, but do they rotate in the same way? So is the man in his negative or positive thoughts. So our strengths become exhausted or increase. Human power is in his slow evolution, and in general, everything is in harmony with changes.

There should be no sharp approach when one changes his mind. We are endlessly changing, for example, we are aging. We change through the years, we create a new system of colors by which we can color the world with our taste.

And in order to have tasted so as life becomes brighter one should be the heir of goodness, wisdom, patience, love. If all of us live within this, if all of these things go with us, we will accept every situation of life through their divine perceptions. And the word tension or stress will disappear from our vocabulary. The best plaster in the human body is the man himself. Talk to man, understand him, know his inner world, be useful to man and you will be in harmony with what humanity says. This is what motivates us to daily heroism, as we serve the man, we are free.

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