How Creating a Bucket List Will Improve Your Mental Health?


My name is Ayesha and as many of you know me as blunttherapy_by_ayesha on Instagram.  I realized that Sometimes I find myself wishing that I could insert an invisible day into the week, kind of like Platform 9 3/4 in Harry Potter’s King’s Cross Station – a place that would take me to another reality where I could get all the things done that I don’t have time to do in the seven normal days. The reality is we tend to settle into habitual ruts of action and thought. Every day passes by and nothing happens, every day seems like same. We’re engaged in activities which we really don’t like at all. Now here is the interesting part, you will only need less than two minutes to understand how this blog is different from any other self-help blog.  I’ve had the good fortune to experience several successful outcomes throughout my personal journey toward better mental health. Following a bucket list stands above all because I’ve noticed works and doesn’t work for me personally. Okay here is the question

Have you ever wondered about making a bucket list for yourself?

If you haven’t heard about the term “bucket list”, it is a list of all the goals you want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfill, and life experiences you desire to experience before you die. I know people think it’s very stupid to make a bucket list most of you even don’t know now what you want so far in your life. So I want you people to make your self-priority and think about what you really like and want to do in this life and what you always wanted to do.

 Why You Should Have a Bucket List?

Bucket lists make you stop and think what you actually want to experience in this lifetime.

 There are places projects or trips that are unrealistic to the average person, but I do not believe they have to be. I think if you are passionate enough to do something you can do, you have to try harder for that but nothing is so impossible. It is a part of our collective sense of adventure that we find ourselves attracted to new places, people, and ideas. It makes sense then. There are plenty of new experiences waiting for us that won’t break the bank nor that you have to do after taking someone’s permission.

Your bucket list gives you some direction and experiences in life

I think Life is all about making memories. We never realize the value of something in our life until it becomes a memory. Your bucket list certainly will give you plenty of them. They will be memories you will hold onto forever. The problem is that we like to fantasize about what could be. We’re busy working and choosing everything else over something we really like We’re focused on the things that really matter, but we never think there’s something new and exciting beyond that. I believe having a bucket list contributes to better health, promotes happiness, and most of all provides us hope.

Our mental health is impacted when we choose ourselves over everything else.

When we engage in hobbies, build relationships in the community, or otherwise find activities that lower our stress, our bodies and minds thank us. Planning those bullet points on your bucket list might encourage you to think outside of the box, stimulating vital areas of the brain. Just think what happens when you actually start learning that guitar! In addition, volunteering in old house or orphanage like you always wanted to or finally start riding a bicycle?

Bucket lists are a source of inspiration just as the people are who tackle making a dream come true.

Inspiration=hope! Some people think that a bucket list has to cost a fortune or must include far-away destinations, which needless to say, would dampen any prospect of hope. But a bucket list is simply a list of things you want to do, big and small. Doing Something you really like will deeply change your perception the life you are living.

How can you create the perfect one for you?

If I tell you about myself one of the things I always wanted was to ride a bicycle without losing any teeth,  you can put anything on your bucket list that gives you goosebumps. Creating your bucket list is easier than cupcakes and will bring a smile to your face just the same. So, a Bucket list always gives us hope and curiosity Sometimes our brains can’t even imagine half of the fun things that we could do. You can put anything on your bucket list that makes you feel the warm fuzzies inside.

Even if you know what is coming you’re Never prepared for how it’s gonna feel even the smallest thing can bring so much joy. You shouldn’t standardize your happiness as I can only be happy if I visit turkey this year. You know you can’t go right now

There are some questions that you can keep in your mind while making a bucket list

  • What is something you have always wanted to do but were too scared to try? Let go of that fear!
  • What is your favorite kind of scenery? Is there anywhere nearby that fits the bill? There may be a nearby mountain, lake, or even a huge tree!
  • What is something you have always wanted to learn? Nowadays, almost anything can be learned with an internet connection and a little bit of bargaining!
  • What is one kind of event or party you have always wanted to attend? •What food have you never tasted? Go to a restaurant or look up the recipe and give it a shot. Don’t be picky!
  • What is one way you would like to volunteer your skills and time?
  • What is one experience you would only want to experience with someone else? Do that!

But how to make your bucket list possible?

Look through the list and cross out the things that are impossible. It’s important to understand the difference between impossible and improbable. Like you can’t go to turkey right now if your savings are less than 200 dollars. I am not saying your wish can’t be fulfilled, but it’s not the perfect time. Look for things that are easy to achieve and can bring so much happiness.

Living Life to the Fullest

It might be rewarding to just make the list. You may increase your enjoyment of life and share the fun by discussing your list with others, going back to it over time, and crossing off your experiences as you have them.

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