First Thing Women Notice About A Guy


Women too check you out just as much as you gaze at her. But you might be surprised at what really catches her eye. What is the first thing women notice about a guy? So here is a study which reveals the first thing they notice about a guy. Is it your eyes or your smile or good hygiene, this study will help you find out what does turn her on.

Here is a list of top 11 things that women notice
about a guy

1. Eyes

first things women notice in guys
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Yes the first and foremost part is your eyes. The deep brown eyes will get her every time. 32% women reveal that the first thing they check out is eyes.

2. Smile

How to make her turn on
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The second most highly rated thing is your killer smile. 20% women reveal that the first thing they check out is smile. So a killer smile will definitely melt her heart.

3. Teeth

first things women notice in guys
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Having white teeth will also reflect that you are following a good hygiene. So teeth comes on third place. 9% women reveal that the first thing they notice are teeth.

4. Height

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We all know that a fair height will always do wonders. Every woman likes taller guys. So height is the 4th most rated thing they notice. 8% of women will go after height first.

5. Style

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Yes, the next one is your style. Show her your own unique style and she will give you positive signals. You don’t have to be a cowboy, just a normal style. 7% of women reveal that the first thing they check out is style.

6. Scent

first things women notice in guys
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You have to smell good to make her go crazy. It also shows your good hygiene. 6% of women reveal that the first thing they notice is how he smells (Scent).

7. Hair

first things women notice in guys
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The next highest rated part is your hairs. A good hairstyle or healthy hairs will also turn her on. In fact, beard is also an added advantage. 5% of women notice hair first.

8. Sense of Humor

first things women notice in guys
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A good sense of humor and the way you make her laugh will definitely help you grab her. Show your funny side to her And she will fall for you on the spot. 4% of women will notice that first.

9. Voice

first things women notice in guys
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A heavy and manly voice is something that can grab her attention.  3% of women reveal that the first thing they notice is the voice.

10. Physique

first things women notice in guys
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Nice arms are certainly a visual treat for women. So a good physique with big chest, shoulders, and legs will make her go crazy again. 3% of women will go for physique first.

11. Confidence

first things women notice in guys
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The way you look at her in eyes while speaking is the most impressive thing ever. Your confidence while speaking, flirting with girls and while walking can make her fall. 3% of women reveal that the first thing they notice is confidence.

Also read: 7 qualities woman look for in men.

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