10 Reasons Why You Should Date A Sensitive Guy


There are an increasing number of men who cry after watching a heart-breaking movie, men who use moisturizers and visit salons and men who avoid a fist fight! They are categorized as the sensitive lot or in a more casual language the Mr. Nice Guy. Although you might need to be your own prince in certain adverse situations, there are numerous other advantages of settling for the nice guy.

Here is why dating the sensitive guy is a great idea

1. They will make you feel beautiful every single day

sensitive men

It doesn’t matter if there are other hot women out there, because for sensitive men beauty is in the love and care that you show towards them. The more you love them the more beautiful you are in their eyes.

2. Sensitive men are good at expressing themselves

sensitive men

They don’t run away from their emotions. The nice guy takes great pride in expressing his feelings. They effortlessly connect with you on an emotional level.

3. Sensitive men are brilliant listeners and they make good conversationalists

sensitive men

This is what women want…Isn’t it? A companion who hears them and spends quality time having a good conversation over their favorite cup of beverage…well then here you have it.

[Also Read: 7 reasons why your best friend can be your best life partner]

4. The Nice Guy knows how to empathize


Nice guys don’t cling on to their egos all the time. They sincerely care for others feelings and never ever try to hurt others. This is the perfect guy to bring home to your parents and friends.

5. They are great romantics

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If you have got into a new relationship with the sensitive guy then be prepared for surprises, dates, flowers, chocolates all the goodies. They are romantics at heart and remain so forever.

6. They make excellent life partner and doting fathers

sensitive men

Helping with the household work and changing diapers doesn’t hurt their persona. These skills come to them naturally. You can expect him to be the best life partner and a loving father.

7. Sensitive men are easy to please

sensitive guy

Subtle ways of romantic expressions are what they prefer – cooking their favorite meal, a kiss or a hug is all they need to liven up.

8. They know the importance of appreciations
sensitive men

Sensitive men know that people should be appreciated for the efforts they put in to make others happy. And their partners will also get the much-needed appreciations and compliments.

9. They are excellent at resolving issues calmly

sensitive men

Whether it’s a bitter argument between the two of you or an issue at work, these men will have peaceful solutions for everything.

10. They are very loyal

sensitive men

This is icing on the cake. Once they have established an emotional bond with a partner it is not likely that they will wander away.
In short…..A sensitive guy? You must date him!!

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