9 Reasons Living Alone Can Be The Best Thing Ever

living alone
Image Credits : Pexels.com

Since we were kids, we used to see ‘adults’ coming over and telling their experience of living ‘alone’. It always kept us thinking at nights. They all looked so content and satisfied with their life. There was only one thought that always used to run in our minds ‘When will I grow up?’ At least it entered mine. In today’s world, everyone is anxious to live off on their own. Believe me, it’s worth a shot, pals.

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These are some alluring reasons as to why
you should
live alone

1. Sleeping

living alone
Image Source : Pixabay.com

Sleep as much as you want. You don’t have to worry about other people’s constant nagging. It’s your house, your rules! You can be a koala bear or an owl. No one can give you a hard time about it. So, take a nap whether its 4 in the afternoon. Be a rebel!

2. Pants Are Optional

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Image Source : Pixabay.com

As soon as you enter your heavenly adobe, you can just rip off your pants and throw them on the floor. Sweatpants become your new best friend! Take some snacks and do some binge watching your favorite TV shows. No one’s going to stop you, kid.

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3. Cleanliness Matters

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Image Source : Pixabay.com

Even though you were a hot mess in your parent’s house with all your clothes on the floor, books scattered. You will soon realize you like to have a ‘nice and clean’ look of your own apartment. Basically, you become a cleanliness freak. You’ll swab even a small spot on the window. And if by any chance someone leaves a water ring, you go berserk!

4. Everything is Yours!

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Image Source : Pixabay.com

You become the proud owner of everything that exists in the house! TV, bed, plants, towel, spoon- YOURS! You become a little snobbish about it but you earned it. You are THE HEAD of the house and whoever is coming over needs your permission to use the stuff you own. Oh, the guilty pleasure.

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living alone
Image Source : Pixabay.com

You can either cook yourself a meal or order a take-out. Eating whatever and whenever is now your thing. You can have ice cream for breakfast or leftover pizza for lunch or Captain Crunch cereals for dinner. NOBODY is going to judge you! Of course, it’s not good for your waistline but it’s fine every once in a while. You are your own diet planner.

6. Party or Not- Its Your Call

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Image Source : pixabay.com

You can have a party whenever you want! Invite your close friends. Order a pizza, have some beer and you are set for the night. The other option- a party with YOURSELF. You can dance like Weird Al, sing like a monkey or hog like a pig. Ain’t nobody’s business of what’s happening behind those closed doors.

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7. Independent Creature

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Image Source : Pexels.com

Even though, being alone is a party in itself. You have some responsibilities you need to take care of. Your rent, your water bill, your electricity bill et cetera. You are now an adult! When living alone, we have no one to cook for us, clean for us, wash our smelly clothes or grubby socks. It’s completely up to us to take care of ourselves – because if we don’t, no one else is going to do it. This way you start learning more, you gain confidence and it boosts up your self-esteem.

8. Appreciating Others

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Image Source : Pixabay.com

Its human nature to take people who love you for granted especially your family and close friends. So, when you are out there doing your own ‘desk piled on’ duties, living a solo life- you start appreciating them more. You hold in high regard of these wonderful people in your life who guide and take care of you, you dramatic kid.

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9. Creative Doors

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Image Source : tumblr.com

Since you are living alone, you have all the time in the world now to think about everything without having the opinion of other humans. Your thoughts may vary from completely sane to crazy theories. You start trying new things like learning violin, painting or owning a pet!
Living alone is becoming a hot trend these days and it might scare you off but at the end you become a stronger person than before. You are your own responsibility, no one else’s.
Tell us in the comments section below some others perks of living alone!

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