8 Biggest Problems Of Women Which Can Never Be Solved


One can’t understand Women, it’s a Fact that the World should understand, because they have multiple feelings, emotions, meanings and things which you can’t think or even imagine of. You can’t know what they are exactly thinking and thus there is no solution one can suggest for their problems, but there are few problems of them which can never be understand and they are sole responsible for each of those things.

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Here’re 8 Biggest Problems Of Women Which Can Never Be Solved

1) They Think Too Much


Yes, Women are big thinkers and they think too much about even the smallest situation, you can’t stop them doing so and they are irritated with this habit.

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2) They care too much


Sometimes one needs to leave, let go and forget but Women they just can’t give up about their care effect!! They care even if they broke up, have big fights or even if there are enemies in problem, they will do care.

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3) Tears, their instant emotion


They want or not but tears just flow out of their eyes, a tiny thing and a biggest problem will make them cry and crying isn’t good for health.

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4) They Want to keep everyone Happy


It’s a good habit but not everyone can be Happy, but not all can be happy every time.

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5) They Can’t Be Cruel


Not the literally cruel one but they forgive sometimes too easily, a sweet Sorry and they melt like ice.

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6) They have too much of Emotions


You can’t think of the emotions and feelings she has and even she can’t distinct between all those feelings.

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7)Even smallest thing will hurt them!!


Yes, they feel bad about the smallest thing and the most weirdest matter here is sometimes they even don’t know why they feel like that.

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8) They get attached easily


From a small bag to a family, place, house, pet….they are attached to each of those things and One you can’t do anything about it.

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