7 ways to get out of your Comfort Zone

get out of comfort zone

Sometimes we all get too comfortable in life, whether it is with our career, relationships or even with our own personality and habits. Although being comfortable does not have any serious percussions, it plays a major role in stumping your personal and professional growth.

Are you stuck in a comfort zone? Here are 7 ways to jump out of your comfy zone

1. Face your worst fear

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There are a lot of things in life we procrastinate due to a fear of failing; it can be speaking in public, switching to a better job or even something as simple as getting your driver’s license. The fear of failing holds you back from progressing in life. You need to punch it in the face and move forward.

2. Try something new

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If you are sucker for romantic movies then try a thriller, if you like soft and soothing music, tune into pop music, if you hate to cook then try cooking something. Doing something new and refreshes your mind and reveals something new about you.

3. Hang out with the risk takers

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This is to help you see the other side. Hanging out with people who are constantly moving out of their comfort zones will definitely inspire you to do the same. Reading out an experience is not as effective as seeing and experiencing it.

4. Take baby steps and improve on the way

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Stepping out of your comfort zone is not a drastic process. To enjoy the process and to experience significant transformation you need to take small steps and make adjustments during the journey towards change.

5. Experience discomfort once in a while

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This helps you in not only moving out of the comfort zone but also to stay grounded. So whether it is taking a trip in the unreserved compartment, going camping or eating from a roadside Dhaba, discomfort can help you shed your comfort skin.

6. Make a fool of yourself

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Do something funny and embarrassing. Dance at a party or crack a joke or say something foolish, anything to get you discomfited. Do this and you can kiss your comfort zone bye-bye.

7. Make a new friend

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At work, school, college, neighbourhood anywhere, make a new buddy. Making a new friend requires you to take time-off from your normal routine which helps in pulling out of your comfort zone.

[Also Read: how to recharge yourself with a solo trip]

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