7 Types of Fights Boyfriends Never Want To Have and Regret Later


Its majority of the time ‘Girls’ who fight in a relationships, one should not debate about this! Leave its True Or Not. But one thing that’s true and a boy won’t ever accept that directly; they don’t like to fight and avoid it all the time. There are things on which they don’t want to fight but they just can’t stop it because they are impulsive and later regret fighting.

Boyfriends don’t wish to fight but they can’t stop themselves and its because they love, they care and they are jealous too.



1) Best Friend Fights!



They not all the time have problem with your best friend but sometimes they feel bad when they need you and you aren’t there!

2) You are Wrong



They aren’t happy saying this neither want to say it but the words just slip out of their mouth.

3) People are Checking You Out


Yes, I forgot to say you are looking HOT and I am hating the fact people are checking you out because I feel you are Mine.

4) Yes, I am Jealous!



I do not want to fight but don’t hug someone like that it feels like he/she is stealing my rights.

5) I do not agree on that!




I don’t agree, you are wrong this time and trust me I just don’t want to let it go and not argue.

6) You are taking much of the Time!




Yes, Its not easy to wait and you are taking more and more time every time.

7) I just do not want to ARGUE!



Let it Go, that’s the only formula I want to use and I just want to request let’s not take it ahead because I do not want to fight or hurt you.

They really don’t like to fight because it hurts them, they feel bad when you don’t talk or cry because of them, they are impulsive and they take you as His and sometimes this all things aren’t controllable.

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