Sometime Life doesn’t gives you second chance to create first impression. This make much more sense when you are going to meet a girl on first date.It is a make or break situation where lack of quality discussion will kick you out of the picture. Let see some easy yet effective ways to attract a girl whom you just met and set the tone for future.
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Here are the 6 Weird Ways to Attract A Girl You Have Just Met
1. Use Command Words

Most women prefer to be the submissive one in their relationship.Use of command word such as “listen” ,”tell me”, “Come on lets go”. Some of it may sound rude but women get turned on by the girl who know what they want and are pretty clear in their approach.
Also read How to Escalate With A Girl In A Way To Reduce Your Chance Of Rejection
2. Call Her By Her Name

People loves to hear their names. It makes people important and respected. Try to use her name in middle of sentence, this will make her feel valuable and will create good feeling for you in her heart.
Also read 5 Psychological Signs She Is Trying To Flirt With You
3. Use Deep Voice

Most women find masculanity intoxicating. There is nothing more seductive than a heavy masculine voice.But try not to fake it, it will sound phony. Instead watch some movies and try to practice it over the time.
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4. Take Some Pauses While Talking

Pausing in the middle of your sentences will attract her toward you. Slow down your speech and speak with pauses. It allows you to slow things down, thus creating a sexual vibe.
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5. Look her with Desire

This gurantees to turn a woman on. Just look at her in a way that she should feel she is already yours.Make sure it is a look of desire rather than a look of eagerness or lust.
Also read How To make any Girl Obsess Over You Without Much Effort
6. Have opinions

If you are able to show her that if you have your own personality and opinion about the things around you, She will be impressed for sure.Women likes men who have a firm opinion and are able to stand by them. Also don’t be afraid to disagree with her in order to impress her. This will make her respect you for sure.