Are you dating someone ? And sometimes you wonder whether or not it is worth investing your energy, time and emotion, so here are some sign that shows that he is not the right one for you. If he is showing any of these signs he’s definitely not the one for you, it’s better to think about it and move on. May be he will never change himself and continue doing so.
1. If you Feel that he’s Judging you

The right guy won’t ever judge you. One of the signs he’s not the one is that when you feel like you are being judged by him. If you feel like you can’t be yourself in front of him or if you feel like he is judging you when you are being yourself, it’s a safe bet that he’s not the one.
2. When You’re not a priority

If he is always going out without checking in with you, or if he makes plans with you and then breaks them to do something else, it’s clear that you are not his priority. If you aren’t his priority, it’s a safe bet that he isn’t the one.
3. If you can’t communicate with him

Communication is one of the basic foundations of a successful relationship. If you find it difficult to communicate with him, regarding issues, your feelings, or even just everyday events, then you can probably safely say that he isn’t the one for you.
4. If you don’t trust him

Trust is another most essential ingredient for a successful relationship. If you don’t trust the guy you are dating, you don’t trust where he has been and you just don’t trust anything he does, than there is no point to stay with him. He is definitely not the right one.
5. He often avoids when you talk about future together

When you’ve been with your partner for a while, you always talk about the next step. If you think its only you who always talk about your future together, time to think. Maybe your partner is not thinking you are his next step, have you thought of that? If there is no future talk on his end, no matter how many times you’ve tried, it’s time to go!
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