5 Myths People Believe About Marriage

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If myths are to be believed marriage is where physical affection dies. Marriage is life sentence without any prisoners. Couples take promises to be together all their life but who knows how much they hate eachother after few years. Marriages are so called match’s made in heaven but struggling to make love on earth. Here are 5 myths people believe about marriage

1.Dating for couple of years now, You should get married

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Band baaja baaraat/Gif’s via tumblr

For all those who are dating for couples of years now, and your family members know you are dating then it’s time for you to get married. All the humpty night outs you spend with your partner are finally going to end as your parents are thinking to hook you up.

2.How will my true love get to know that I love him/her soo much

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Gifs via tumblr/kuch kuch hota hai

It’s time to break the suspense and make you understand how much someone cares for you without you getting to know about it. When you see someone who is trying to make you happy in every possible way, you should understand that he/she is in love with you. You should try to decode his/her body language that surely makes you comfortable around.

3.Why you should find partner who is different from others

Finding your love is itself a difficult task, finding your love with different qualities from others is even more difficult. You know what it takes to be different among the crowd to impress you, specially girls. For girls who are a great fan of bollywood movies and SRK (Shahrukh khan) for them it’s finding Raj for their life. Well real life being different from reel, you’ll always find the best match for you if you make efforts and understand what love is for you.

4.Partner’s history is not a matter of concern anymore

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gif’s via tumblr/emran hashmi

If you are not concerned about your partner’s virginity then its about happiness in marriage. And if virginity is a concern for you then you should really find out your partner’s history.

5.Having kids brings couples closer is a myth

If there no love in married life then having kids doesn’t make any sense. You should be deeply in love and ready for responsibilities to handle your kids. Happy married life is myth if you are not taking your responsibilities. If you are educated enough to manage your own expenses then you’ll probably be more happy after getting married.

These are 5 myths people believe about marriage.


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