20 Women Captured Before, During and After Orgasms


A famous photographer Marcos captured the photos of women face during, before and after orgasm so that the barrier of female sexual well-being is broken down. The female sexuality is one of the controversial topics to be debated. He worked for a lot of big organizations and this time around he thought of doing something different and hence he captured the facial expression of women before, during and after orgasm. The feeling of orgasm is great, and women love getting it. The images below will describe the facial expressions of women during this entire scenario.

1. The facial expression of women changed during orgasm, and the Brazilian photographer captured the photos at different stages.

2. Headshots of women were captured in these photos, and the photographer hid the view below the waist.

3. The women are from all across the globe belonging to a different culture, religion, and nationalities such as France, USA, Singapore, and China.

4. Marcos wanted to convey that irrespective of the background, all women need to be in control of their sexuality.

5. During this stint, all women achieved orgasm using a vibrator.

6. Marcos explains the change in the sequence of the facial expression of women to the point when they reach orgasm and finally when they overcome it.

7. Fan Yang who is the global brand manager of smile makers commented that female orgasm is covered with secrecy and shame.

8. Yang said the women who were a part of a stint were quite happy with the photos especially in the final shot were they were radiant and glowing.

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9. Yang said that the final shot when the women are happy is exactly the one we want the people to have a look.

10. He also quoted that everyone who watches the stint will be boosted in confidence about their body and sexuality.

11. He ended by saying that all that matters is one smile at a time.

12. Marcos added that he loved having the conversation with women about the pleasure and sex.

13. Marcos also pinpointed to the fact that it was quite necessary to involve women belonging to different background, ages, and nationality to make the project successful.

14. In one of the project he captured the individuals in the natural state and then again after one glass of wine, then two glasses of wine and then three glasses of wine.

15. He also feels that the sense of humor can efficiently help the people to open up and share the topic of sex even more freely.

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16. People psychology would be changed drastically once individuals start to open up and talk and share freely.

17. The first picture of these individuals was clicked when they came for a photo shoot with a lot of fatigue and stress.

18. The second photo was clicked when these individuals started to masturbate.

19. The third picture insights about the feeling that they experienced once they reach their orgasm.

20. The fourth picture captured the experience after the climax with their joyful and glowing face

21. It is quite easy for a woman to attain orgasm if they are mentally and physically present.

22. Many women find that masturbation is not ladylike and wrong and hence they are not able to achieve the orgasm.


Also Read: 11 Common Things That Men Find Unattractive In A Woman

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