12 Worst Mistakes People Make In Their 20s

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A human being is ought to make mistake, we learn from those mistakes and never there can be a step of life where the word ‘wrong’ lies far away but few are those which we remember, regret and over think for the whole life. 20’s is an age when we think more, dream more, try to do more and sometimes we end up making some memorable mistakes, may be those aren’t so big but we make it Big in a More Troublesome Way. At the age of 20 we all are crazy, immature, a mixture of fire and water, thus there are few things which turned out wrong. People make mistakes in 20s as they start thinking of life in a different way. Life is one and one must enjoy it in every way.

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Here’re 12 Worst Mistakes People Make In Their 20s

1) “Girl and Boy can’t be just friends”


It’s not anyone’s mistake, no one would even have thought this way. You need to blame Bollywood movies for this but it’s true we often commit mistake in 20’s by thinking that “We can’t  be friends” and the matter goes ahead with all the ‘Over thinking’ thoughts.

2) Addiction


Not talking about Alcohol and Drugs but there are many more things we get addicted to, from a place to a person to few things, Addiction is a virus we do develop in our blood.

3) Dating a wrong person


First choice is the right choice and we often think someone as ‘Made for us’ and later on realize it’s not at all the one.

[Also read : How to make a girl fall in love with you ]

4) Right Person, Wrong Kiss 


It happens!! Surely Happens, may be you think you are in love or maybe you are attracted to someone and it happens and sometimes you are dating someone else and don’t know how you end up kissing someone else.

5) Losing Virginity


Ooops! That isn’t a topic to talk about but sometimes you get wrong and too right on this point. Losing virginity is a mistake(s)  in 20s for girls.

6) Wrong Career Trials


We create a Big Mess of Career, we think so much and people’s advice just turns up in wrong ways and then we begin a new journey at the late point.

7) Future


This is the age where you think all about FUTURE, even if it not connected about it you will bring out this word in your every Thought and at the end we majority of the time discover ‘There is no future that lies for us’.

[Also read : 5 Things girls do after breakup  ]

8) Spend too much


We learn the meaning of SAVINGS after spending them All and trust me no feeling is as worse as that.

9) Let me live the way I want


We want to live like that and we believe to do those things and later reveal that were mistakes (not all but few of them)

10) List of Crushes


We have many crushes, we don’t flirt with them but undeniably we like them all and there we get confused about Love, Crush and Likes.

11) We fall in Love Again and Again


Who says Love happens once, it may happen but surely it doesn’t happen in early 20’s.

12) Being Dumb by Repeating all the above Mistakes Again and Again

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There is no mistake which we have just done once, we do and we don’t learn and it keeps going unless and until we get too much serious in life and sets to move on and be exactly like that.

[Also read : What women want from their male partner ]

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