10 Reasons Why Women Leave Men Even When They Are Truly In Love

10 Reasons Why Women Leave Men Even When They Are Truly In Love

Relationships are tough. You have reached the adulthood. You are now an adult. You have now realized that there wasn’t any magical moment where all that adult-wisdom you once believed in, suddenly came to you. You are simply on your own to make all kinds of choices which will ultimately or may not make you happy. And for most of us, relationships are basically the free shot at trial – and –error sort of thing. We are all looking for “the one”. An honest and beautiful love. We crave for it so badly that we at times, overlook the things which are needed to be examined in a little closer way.

Can we seriously leave the person we love? How can this even happen? If you really love them, then you got to stay, right? Wrong.

There are a number of reasons why women leave their lovers while still being in love with them. Both the concepts are not jointly absolute.

In case you have found yourself in a situation in your relationship where you do not know whether you should stay or leave, peruse this list of the reasons why some women go for the “leave” choice despite loving their partner. Hopefully, this will aid you in sorting out your mind and the confusion within.

Also, share this list with your friends who may need to stop and think about their own love life.

1. Feeling alone

10 Reasons Why Women Leave Men Even When They Are Truly In Love

Women need to feel that she is important, she is special. In case her man isn’t there for supporting her, there’s no reason for her to persist the relationship.

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2. The relationship has now become an emotional burden

10 Reasons Why Women Leave Men Even When They Are Truly In Love

This reason literally applies to most relationships. Your relationship is meant to be the icing on the cake, and not the cake itself. This means that an amazing relationship grows out of 2 people who have their own happiness and their own lives, who bring together their lives and make happiness for and with each other.

3. No common interest

10 Reasons Why Women Leave Men Even When They Are Truly In Love

First thing first. People change with time. It can be you and it can be your partner. It is true that the opposites attract, however, both of you should have at least something in common.

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4. When their partners are not available physically

10 Reasons Why Women Leave Men Even When They Are Truly In Love

Women can feel when their man would instead spend time in some other place or in some other company of people. It is essential that you are there whenever you are around her. Not just this, you spend time with her. Give her the attention she deserves.

5. When there’s no respect

10 Reasons Why Women Leave Men Even When They Are Truly In Love

A woman feels respected when her man prioritizes and acknowledges her needs, rights, and wishes. Ignoring her rights, overlooking at her needs, or dismissing her wishes will make your woman feel defensive since she will feel that she needs to take care of herself because nobody else is doing that for her.

Also Read: How to Attract Men: 6 Personality Traits Guys Find Sexy

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