7 Reasons Why Being A People Pleaser Is Bad For You

A people pleaser always wishes to keep everyone happy at the cost of his own happiness, which is a huge sacrifice and totally not...
How To Be Confident in Any Situation

How To Be Confident in Any Situation

A confident person garners admiration. A person who believes in himself/herself makes for an excellent leader. No one will follow a leader who appears...
How Handling Your Finances Improves Your Mental Health

How Handling Your Finances Improves Your Mental Health

For many people, finances are probably the one area you try to avoid.  Usually, if you have poor finances, you want to avoid it...

How To Master Your Emotions To Win Psychological Fights Inside You

  On a Daily basis we almost go through multiple emotions like happiness, sadness, depression frustration, irritation etc. You may not know but these small...

How To Get A Girl To Notice You Without Talking To...

Do you like a girl, but just don’t know how to talk to her or even get her to notice you? If you have the...
Signs That Prove You Are Dating A Girl And Not A Woman

Signs That Prove You Are Dating A Girl And Not A...

Are you dating any woman or girl? This question might sound stupid, but it can give a significant impact on your personal life. This...

5 Things Guys Are Never Open About

We are here to discuss some of the few things Guys Never open about, But wants their would be wife to know it. Guys are known...

How To Rise Up From Ashes After A Break-Up

Its finally going to be the end of the year and time to sing “Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Let your heart be...
How To Make A Great First Impression

7 Ways To Make A Great First Impression

As the adage goes, ‘The first impression is the last impression’, holds a very pertinent role in our first encounter with another person which...

How To Spice Up Your Marriage Life

Marriage is the union of two souls. That is what they say. But the two fellas are very very different. They married because they...

8 Ways To Manage Mood Swings

Mood swings are more common in women than in men because of the unfair hormone activity. People always tend to get irritated or sad...
What is a Phobia Categories, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

What is a Phobia? Categories, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

I have witnessed numerous people who almost give up on their lives when they see a dark room. A mere thought of darkness turns...
Chunking Psychology Effective Learning Technique For Better Memory

Chunking Psychology: Effective Learning Technique For Better Memory

Our mind is like a computer processor. Human memory involves the ability to both preserve and recover information we have learned or experienced. The...

10 Myths about ‘Women’ which are purely wrong

They are girls, ladies, a grown up matured women who she changes with all the aspects of life, they learn, live and teach, but there are beliefs...

How To Get A Girl To Notice You Without Talking To...

Do you like a girl, but just don’t know how to talk to her or even get her to notice you? If you have the...
10 Reasons Why Women Leave Men Even When They Are Truly In Love

10 Reasons Why Women Leave Men Even When They Are Truly...

Relationships are tough. You have reached the adulthood. You are now an adult. You have now realized that there wasn’t any magical moment where...
How To Be Confident in Any Situation

How To Be Confident in Any Situation

A confident person garners admiration. A person who believes in himself/herself makes for an excellent leader. No one will follow a leader who appears...
Seven things that she secretly wants from you in the bedroom

Seven things that she secretly wants from you in the bedroom

Every man wishes to keep the girl happy and satisfied with the performance and hence they perform everything to do so. Also, you never...